
The other day my daughter, Annie, was babysitting an eight-year-old girl and her five-year-old brother at our house. Annie volunteered to fill in for some local Grandparents who had to work this day while their Grandchildren came to stay with them for a couple of weeks. While sitting down for lunch, my daughter asked them if anyone wanted to say the blessing. Both children volunteered and said the sweetest prayers. “Kaci” asked God to “be close to all those who are hurting and have lost loved ones.” Curious, I asked Kaci if she attends church. She shared about her church and going to Sunday school each week.

“What do you learn there?” I asked.

“We learn about Jesus and how He died for our sins.”

I told her that Annie and I are God’s children because we have asked Jesus to forgive our sins and have asked Him to be our Lord and Savior. Her big brown eyes grew even larger as she smiled and said, “Me too! And I know that I will be with Him when I die.”

“Isn’t that great hope?” I asked, “. . . knowing that we’ll be with Him when our life is over here on earth?”

Needless to say, Annie and I were both blessed as she replied, “I can’t wait to be with Jesus!”

Ah, to have that kind of childlike faith and enthusiasm. It seems like many of us lose sight of hope as we grow older and find ourselves burdened by the pressures of adulthood. But hope is what enables us to keep our heads up, even when the storm clouds gather and we’re treading on rocky ground. Hope is our lifeline connecting us to heaven.

“How blessed all those in whom you live, whose lives become roads you travel; They wind through lonesome valleys, come upon brooks, discover cool springs and pools brimming with rain! God-traveled, these roads curve up the mountain, and at the last turn—Zion! God in full view!” ~Psalm 84:5-7 (MSG)

If you find your head slumping and the weight on your shoulders too much to bear, remember there is One who never leaves your side. As we focus on His continual presence and the hope of heaven, He will help carry the load. The road He leads us on may be steep and full of potholes at times, but remember—as a child of God—your final destination is in heaven with our Lord.

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