Conscience, Part 2

An alarm clock that doesn’t go off when it should is bad news, but one that goes off when it shouldn’t is a problem as well.”

Pastor Colin Smith
A good alarm clock does two things: It stays quiet when you should be asleep, and it makes a noise when you need to wake up! That’s how your conscience is supposed to work. Paul says, “Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts” (Col. 3:15). When you are on the right path, a good conscience will be at peace. But when you are tempted towards the wrong path, a good conscience will sound the alarm.

How many times have you heard the advice, “Follow your conscience”? Sounds reasonable, but what if conscience isn’t the ultimate judge of right and wrong? Pastor Colin talks about the reasons why. You may listen to his message here: Conscience, Part 2. Have a great week! 🙂